Website updates - Publications
Added March 15, 2016 / Section: Publications - Category: Journal papers / Author: John Allison , Marek Gayer , et. al.
In Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. vol. 835, pp. 186 – 225, 2016
| Added December 1, 2013 / Section: Publications - Category: Rest publications / Author: Marek Gayer
In Proceedings of 18th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting. Seville, Spain, 2013.
| Added July 20, 2013 / Section: Publications - Category: Rest publications / Author: Pere Mato Vila , Marek Gayer
| Added March 30, 2013 / Section: Publications - Category: Rest publications / Author: Marek Gayer
In Proceedings of 2nd AIDA Annual Meeting. Frascati, Italy, 2013.
| Added March 15, 2013 / Section: Publications - Category: Journal papers / Author: Marek Gayer , John Apostolakis , Gabriele Cosmo , Andrei Gheata , Jean-Marie Guyader , Tatiana Nikitina
In Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396:5, p. 052035, IOP Publishing, New York, May 2012
| Added December 1, 2012 / Section: Publications - Category: Rest publications / Author: Marek Gayer , John Apostolakis , Gabriele Cosmo , Andrei Gheata , Jean-Marie Guyader , Tatiana Nikitina
In Proceedings of 17th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting. Chartres, France, 2012.
| Added August 19, 2011 / Section: Publications - Category: International conferences papers (peer reviewed) / Author: Marek Gayer , Hannu Niemistö , Tommi Karhela
In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE-2011), p. 137-143, Dalian, China, August 24-26, 2011.
| Added February 8, 2010 , Last update July 15, 2010 / Section: Publications - Category: International conferences papers (peer reviewed) / Author: Marek Gayer , Tommi Karhela , Juha Kortelainen
In Proceedings of the 42th Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC’10), pp. 219–227, Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), ACM Press, 2010.
| Added April 4, 2009 , Last update July 9, 2009 / Section: Publications - Category: International conferences papers (peer reviewed) / Author: Milan Milovanovic , Marek Gayer , Juris Michielsen , Ole Morten Aamo
In: 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
| Added June 11, 2009 / Section: Publications - Category: International conferences papers (peer reviewed) / Author: Marek Gayer , Milan Milovanovic , Ole Morten Aamo
In Proceedings of the 18th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling. Calgary: IASTED - ACTA press, 2009.
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