Website updates
Added March 15, 2016 / Section: Publications - Category: Journal papers / Author: John Allison , Marek Gayer , et. al.
In Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. vol. 835, pp. 186 – 225, 2016
| Added December 1, 2013 / Section: Publications - Category: Rest publications / Author: Marek Gayer
In Proceedings of 18th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting. Seville, Spain, 2013.
| Added July 20, 2013 / Section: Publications - Category: Rest publications / Author: Pere Mato Vila , Marek Gayer
| Added June 29, 2013 / Section: Projects - Category: Simulation, Visualization / Author: Marek Gayer
The geometrical models in Geant4 and ROOT are used to describe the experimental setups in simulation or reconstruction programs and include the implementation of geometrical solid primitives as building blocks for the description of complex detector setups. These include a large collection of 3D primitives, ranging from simple shapes like boxes, tubes or cones to more complex ones, also allowing for Boolean combinations among these.
| Added March 30, 2013 / Section: Publications - Category: Rest publications / Author: Marek Gayer
In Proceedings of 2nd AIDA Annual Meeting. Frascati, Italy, 2013.
| Added March 15, 2013 / Section: Publications - Category: Journal papers / Author: Marek Gayer , John Apostolakis , Gabriele Cosmo , Andrei Gheata , Jean-Marie Guyader , Tatiana Nikitina
In Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396:5, p. 052035, IOP Publishing, New York, May 2012
| Added December 1, 2012 / Section: Publications - Category: Rest publications / Author: Marek Gayer , John Apostolakis , Gabriele Cosmo , Andrei Gheata , Jean-Marie Guyader , Tatiana Nikitina
In Proceedings of 17th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting. Chartres, France, 2012.
| Added March 14, 2012 / Section: Photo Galleries - Category: Travel Gallery / Author: Marek Gayer
| Added November 17, 2011 / Section: Photo Galleries - Category: Travel Gallery / Author: Marek Gayer
| Added October 20, 2011 / Section: Photo Galleries - Category: Travel in Italy Gallery / Author: Marek Gayer
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